Monthly Housing Europe (2023년 3월) : 사회주택과 에너지 전환 외
Alleviating energy poverty in social and privately-owned homes from 2020 until today2020년부터 현재까지 사회 및 개인 소유 주택의 에너지 빈곤 완화 The role of cooperative, social, and public housing providers [...]
Alleviating energy poverty in social and privately-owned homes from 2020 until today2020년부터 현재까지 사회 및 개인 소유 주택의 에너지 빈곤 완화 The role of cooperative, social, and public housing providers [...]
When sustainability is not only about the green transition, but also about ensuring the well-being of residents in affordable housing지속 가능성은 친환경 전환뿐만 아니라 저렴한 주택에서 거주자의 복지를 보장하는 것에도 [...]
Resilience and Recovery in Germany and Greece독일과 그리스의 복원력 및 복구 Housing Europe analyses the investments planned at country level that could make a difference to the sector and citizensHousing [...]
Every project counts in achieving a fair energy transition공정한 에너지 전환을 달성하기 위해 모든 프로젝트가 중요합니다. Have a look at the three newly started projects that use the approach of [...]
Submit your idea for an event during the International Social Housing Festival국제 사회주택 페스티벌 기간 동안 이벤트 아이디어를 제출하세요. Mature and emerging housing systems vis-à-vis emerging social and economic challenges [...]
Could Tallinn's renovated neighbourhoods turn out to be stamped as 'lighthouse districts' that bring together new tech, co-creation and social innovation?탈린의 개조된 지역이 새로운 기술, 공동 창작, 사회 혁신이 결합된 [...]
Resilience and Recovery in Denmark and Estonia덴마크와 에스토니아의 복원력 및 복구 Housing Europe analyses the investments planned at country level that could make a difference to the sector and citizensHousing [...]
Championing the ‘social’ soul of Europe in the next State of the European Union다음 유럽 연합 주에서 유럽의 '사회적' 영혼을 옹호하다 A letter from the Social Platform of which Housing [...]
Finding the right approach for an improved Energy Performance of Buildings Directive건물 에너지 성능 개선 지침을 위한 올바른 접근 방식 찾기 Three recommendations from CEMR and Housing EuropeCEMR 및 Housing [...]
Resilience and Recovery in Bulgaria불가리아의 복원력 및 복구 Housing Europe analyses the investments planned at country level that could make a difference to the sector and citizensHousing Europe은 해당 부문과 [...]