Monthly Housing Europe (2024년 11월) : 저렴한 주택 공급을 위한 금융
Finance for more responsible and affordable housing보다 책임감 있고 저렴한 주택을 위한 금융Takeaways from the Responsible Housing Finance Summit책임 있는 주택 금융 서밋에서 얻은 시사점Milan, 25 November 2024The Responsible Housing Finance Summit that took place on the 18th of November in Milan, reached its goal: bringing at the same table all the actors that can contribute to better housing for [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2024년 10월) : EU 지원 사회주택 기반 도시재생 사례 외
Innovative energy-efficient social housing receives its first tenants in Barcelona혁신적인 에너지 효율 사회주택이 바르셀로나에서 첫 입주자를 맞이합니다.A sustainble neighbourhood approach leaving no one behind누구도 소외되지 않는 지속 가능한 이웃 접근 방식31 October 2024 | Published in Energy, UrbanIn a significant milestone this October, 38 new social housing rental units have been handed over to their new tenants. This handover marks [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2024년 9월) : 프랑스 사회주택 지원 이슈 및 동향 외
Malta's Housing Authority homeownership programmes몰타 주택청의 주택 소유 프로그램Providing support to almost 1,400 households약 1,400가구에 지원 제공Malta, 30 September 2024 | Published in Future of the EU & HousingHousing Europe's partner, the Maltese Housing Authority is making strides in improving housing affordability with a series of homeownership schemes.Housing Europe의 파트너인 몰타 주택 당국은 일련의 주택 소유 제도를 통해 주택 경제성을 [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2024년 8월) : 주택 개혁을 위한 EU의 지원 외
EU Support for Housing Reforms주택 개혁을 위한 EU의 지원Housing, a fundamental right crucial to stability and fairness안정과 공정성에 중요한 기본 권리, 주거30 August 2024 | Published in Future of the EU & HousingHousing is widely seen as a basic human right and a key part of economic and social stability. In her political guidelines published in July 2024, European Commission [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2024년 7월) : 비영리 협동조합을 통한 주택난 극복 외
The very first EU Commissioner with responsibility for housing주택을 책임지는 최초의 EU 집행위원From surreal thinking to a fact초현실적 사고에서 사실로Strasbourg, France , 18 July 2024 | Published in Future of the EU & HousingAs of this autumn, the European Union will have its very first EU Commissioner with direct responsibility for housing. This is the commitment from the re-elected European [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2024년 6월) : 프랑스의 참여형 마을재생 사례 외
EUR2 billion EIB funding available to boost cities to become climate-neutral20억 유로의 EIB 자금으로 도시의 기후 중립성 강화 지원Some already work with public or social housing일부는 이미 공공 주택 또는 사회 주택에서 일하고 있습니다.Valencia, Spain, 28 June 2024 | Published in Energy, Future of the EU & HousingThe EU’s Mission of “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030” aims to [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2024년 5월) : 네덜란드의 임대료 규제 도입 외
Fostering Social Cohesion and Safety in Vulnerable Areas취약 지역의 사회 통합과 안전 증진Tested practices in public, cooperative, and social housing공공, 협동조합 및 사회 주택에서 검증된 사례30 May 2024 | Published in SocialThe evolving landscape of urban areas across Europe, has illuminated the critical role of investing in people to foster inclusive, resilient communities. This is why Housing Europe Senior Policy [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2024년 4월) : 네덜란드의 “선량한 임대인 법” 외
Honouring the memory of Vicente Diego비센테 디에고의 기억을 기리며A strong force in national and European working for decent housing and a model for living life to the full국가와 유럽에서 양질의 주거를 위해 노력하는 강력한 힘과 삶을 온전히 누리는 모델Brussels, Belgium, 30 April 2024 | Published in SocialHousing Europe would like to honour the inspirational memory of Vicente Diego who was [...]