Monthly Housing Europe (2023년 6월) : 2023 바르셀로나 국제 사회주택 페스티벌 외
Danish social housing provider grabs a New European Bauhaus award덴마크 사회주택 공급업체, 뉴 유럽 바우하우스 어워드 수상 After being one of the five winners at the 2022 European Responsible Housing Awards, Himmerland Boligforening tops an even bigger EU chart2022년 유럽 책임 주택 어워드에서 5개의 수상자 중 하나인 힘머랜드 볼리그포닝은 더 큰 규모의 EU 차트에서 1위를 차지했습니다. Brussels, 30 June 2023 Denmark's Aalborg East has been part of Housing Europe's PowerPoints and conferences for a couple of years because wherever we go, whomever we speak to, we are always being asked for the same - best practices. In June, the work of Danish social housing provider Himmerland Boligforening was recognised by the European Commission's New European Bauhaus awards for showing that [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2023년 5월) : 국제 사회주택 페스티벌 개최 등
2023 European Semester: Housing in the Spring Package and its country recommendations2023 유럽 학기: 스프링 패키지 숙소 및 국가별 권장 사항 Housing Europe's immediate reaction하우징 유럽의 즉각적인 반응 Brussels, 30 May 2023 | Published in Future of the EU & Housing A total of nine countries have received recommendations for reforms related to the respective housing markets and housing policies in the European Commission's ‘spring package’ of the 2023 European Semester cycle. Those include Czechia, Denmark, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, and Sweden.총 9개 국가가 유럽위원회의 2023년 유럽학기 '봄 패키지'에서 각국의 주택 시장 및 주택 정책과 관련된 개혁을 권고받았습니다. 체코, 덴마크, 헝가리, 리투아니아, 룩셈부르크, 네덜란드, 슬로바키아, 스페인, 스웨덴이 여기에 포함됩니다. 요약 The European Commission's 2023 European Semester 'Spring [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2023년 4월) : 사회주택과 지속가능성 외
HOUSEFUL – Bringing circularity to the deep renovation of social housingHOUSEFUL - 사회 주택의 심층적인 리노베이션에 순환성을 가져다줍니다. Leading the way for systemic change시스템적 변화를 위한 선도적 역할 28 April 2023 | Published in Housing Systems in Transition The HOUSEFUL project, in which Housing Europe was a partner, has just come to an end after five years. The main goal was to develop and demonstrate an integrated renovation system, composed of 11 circular solutions, co-created by stakeholders in the current housing value chain. The system included circular management and efficient use of water, waste, energy and material resources for all stages of the building’s life cycle. However, after five years, what have we learnt, and what is the state of [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2023년 3월) : 사회주택과 에너지 전환 외
Alleviating energy poverty in social and privately-owned homes from 2020 until today2020년부터 현재까지 사회 및 개인 소유 주택의 에너지 빈곤 완화 The role of cooperative, social, and public housing providers in the just energy transition정의로운 에너지 전환에서 협동조합, 사회적 주택, 공공 주택 공급자의 역할 31 March 2023 | Published in Social When the EU-funded POWERPOOR project started almost three years ago, energy poverty was already a long-standing issue for social and affordable housing tenants, but no one could imagine the relevance it would develop due to a pandemic, energy crisis, and war. Instead of dwelling on the negative impacts, Housing Europe, our Estonian member, EKYL, city networks, innovative funding organisations, energy agencies, and other project partners used the gained momentum [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2023년 2월) : 지속 가능성과 주거복지 외
When sustainability is not only about the green transition, but also about ensuring the well-being of residents in affordable housing지속 가능성은 친환경 전환뿐만 아니라 저렴한 주택에서 거주자의 복지를 보장하는 것에도 중요합니다. The case of the Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods지속 가능한 플러스 에너지 이웃의 사례 28 February 2023 | Published in Energy, Social If you are not a researcher working on the topic of energy efficiency, Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods (SPEN) probably does not mean much to you, so let’s break down the meaning of the EU-funded project, syn.ikia of which Housing Europe and social housing providers are part of. Below, our Communications Junior Officer, Andreea Nacu, will tell you more about syn.ikia, a Horizon2020 project that started in 2020, aiming [...]
Monthly Housing Europe (2023년 1월) : 코로나 회복 계획과 사회주택 – 독일과 그리스 사례 외
Resilience and Recovery in Germany and Greece독일과 그리스의 복원력 및 복구 Housing Europe analyses the investments planned at country level that could make a difference to the sector and citizensHousing Europe은 해당 부문과 시민들에게 변화를 가져올 수 있는 국가 차원의 투자 계획을 분석합니다. 31 January 2023 | Published in Economy As a follow up to our Comparative analysis of November 2021 on the Impact of the Recovery Plans on the social and affordable housing sector, 2 new country profiles are published each month. Now it is the turn of Germany and Greece. Let’s see the highlights of these Plans below:2021년 11월에 발표한 경기부양책이 사회주택 및 서민주택 부문에 미치는 영향에 대한 비교 분석의 후속 조치로 매월 2개의 새로운 국가 프로필이 게시됩니다. [...]